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Wilcity App is now compatible with SDK45

As the title, Wilcity App is now compatible with SDK 45.

To update to this SDK, please follow these steps:

#1 Log into your ThemeForest account

#2 Go to Download area

#3 Download Wilcity package

#4 Extract the package, You will see

Unzip this folder

#5 Before rebuilding your app, make sure that:

  1. You are using node 16 at least (We recommend using node 16.13.1 – You can easily download node version with NVM )
  2. You are using the latest version of EXPO
  3. Using cd command line and navigate to the wilcity-app folder.
  4. Run the following command line
rm -rf node_modules yarn.lock .expo .expo-shared 
yarn &&
yarn add expo &&
expo upgrade 45

#6 Replace the default configuration (like website, logo, icon, etc) with yours. Finally, rebuild the app.

#7 To run simulator, please run:

expo start -c 

#8 You can read Wilcity Documentation -> Wilcity App to learn more how to build Wilcity App.

You can also hire us on Wilcity Service and use the following buildappoffer coupon to get 20% off.

2 thoughts on “Wilcity App is now compatible with SDK45

  1. This is the most foolish Documentation I have come across in my life. It just writes everything in brief without a proper detailing of every process. How do you expect us to get it like this?

    I have spent Two(2) weeks on this, and still haven’t made progress. Can you please write a more sensible and more detailed guide?

    1. If you write any bad comment, they delete it, wilcity does not accept any negative comment. i am a paid customer, they even block me on facebook group..
      they are very bad people on themeforest…

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